Missing Party system?

The Unity Lobby docs describe “parties” as structures used to maintain player groups throughout a game session. That being said, they don’t actually explain how to implement them. Other than a description of what a party is and what its members are, I don’t understand how the provided code samples actually create one. The only difference with the default lobby creation flow is a local player object that is passed to it. How is that different from a standard lobby?

They also call an async method that is not declared anywhere

await OnJoinedParty(m_PartyLobby);

At first I thought these snippets were all taken from the Game Lobby Sample Project, but I couldn’t find any mention of parties inside.

Can we get some clarity on this? Is there even a Party system, or are they a relic of the early lobby implementation?

Hi Marco,

Did you ever manage to resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hey Ezra,
we never really solved the issue unfortunately. We decided to ignore Unity Lobbies and instead allow players to form a Party via P2P (currently via Photon Pun, but we might switch to Unity Relay or similar services). Once they are in a party, the party “leader” (normally the one who is hosting it) sends a Matchmaking ticket with all participant’s data to GSH.

This is something we decided on a couple of months ago. The Lobby system may have changed recently and these issues may have been resolved, but our workaround works fine for now so we haven’t checked.