Missing Reference of gameObject in animation track in Timeline After Export & import .Unitypackage

  • Created two Game object (Sphere).
  • Created Timeline on first Sphere with Animation track of other Sphere with some animation.
  • Parenting Both to third gameObject and make prefab of it.
  • Saving and Export all through .unitypackage.
  • importing .unitypackage causes Reference missing to sphere GameObject from Animation Track.

Can you submit this as a bug? I was unable to reproduce with a simple test, so I’m either on a different version where this has been fixed, or I am missing a step. Submitting a bug let’s our amazing QA team do their thing, and get you the most relevant information about a fix.

My current version is Unity 2017.2.0f3 (64-bit).

Thanks QA team for answer. I was missing reverting prefab to get loosed connection of other gameObjects references after importing in same project. Cheers !! :smiley: