Missing Stationary... Mixed is back?


I just update to 5.6 B8 and the mode name of lights returns to old way. So, no more Stationary, but Mixed.

See screenshot:

Yep, they’ve changed it back in beta 8.

We now have Realtime, Mixed and Baked.

Much better IMO.

But this is definitive? Or just in this beta?

The idea is that it would be definitive, but until there’s a final release, anything could change. It’s just a rename in the UI, functionally it should be very similar to the earlier betas.

See here for more discussion on the topic:


Hi all,

This is a definitive change based on a bunch of customer feedback we received. The final terminology for 5.6 will be “Realtime”, “Mixed”, and “Baked”. Let me know your thoughts on these changes and any other terminology you see that you like, dislike, find unclear etc.


Is there anything new on GI in beta 9? There is nothing in the release notes.

I believe “Realtime”, “Mixed”, and “Baked” are better. My concern was if it was some error in the beta. Keeping the names the manuals and tutorials can be reused.

Yeah better terminology, generally geared at 3D graphist mainly. Keep it like this :slight_smile: