Unity 5.6.0b11 (Personal)
With these settings:
- ‘Player Settings > Splash Image > Virtual Reality Splash Image’ is set
- ‘Player Settings > Other Settings > Virtual Reality Support’ is checked
- ‘Player Settings > Other Settings > Virtual Reality SDKs’ has a VR SDK (e.g. ‘Daydream’ in the case of Android build platform) as the first SDK
I don’t see a “Made with Unity logo” mark underneath or overlaid on the VR splash image specified in #1 (which is unexpected), nor is Unity logo shown at any point. Is this expected or a bug? Or are Personal users required to incorporate the “Made with Unity” mark in the VR Splash image?
Additionally, if:
4. ‘Player Settings > Other Settings > Virtual Reality SDKs’ also contains a ‘None’ SDK
5. In code at runtime I use VRSettings.loadDeviceByName("")
, yield new WaitForNextFrame()
and VRSettings.enabled=false
to transition out of VR
The “Made with Unity” mark is show as a splash screen mid game, i.e. when the app transitions to 2D for the first time (also unexpected). Subsequent transitions to/from VR do no show a splash screen (expected given that both VR splash image and non-vr logos have been shown).