Missing Unity logo when Virtual Reality Splash Image set (Personal edition)

Unity 5.6.0b11 (Personal)

With these settings:

  1. ‘Player Settings > Splash Image > Virtual Reality Splash Image’ is set
  2. ‘Player Settings > Other Settings > Virtual Reality Support’ is checked
  3. ‘Player Settings > Other Settings > Virtual Reality SDKs’ has a VR SDK (e.g. ‘Daydream’ in the case of Android build platform) as the first SDK

I don’t see a “Made with Unity logo” mark underneath or overlaid on the VR splash image specified in #1 (which is unexpected), nor is Unity logo shown at any point. Is this expected or a bug? Or are Personal users required to incorporate the “Made with Unity” mark in the VR Splash image?

Additionally, if:
4. ‘Player Settings > Other Settings > Virtual Reality SDKs’ also contains a ‘None’ SDK
5. In code at runtime I use VRSettings.loadDeviceByName(""), yield new WaitForNextFrame() and VRSettings.enabled=false to transition out of VR

The “Made with Unity” mark is show as a splash screen mid game, i.e. when the app transitions to 2D for the first time (also unexpected). Subsequent transitions to/from VR do no show a splash screen (expected given that both VR splash image and non-vr logos have been shown).

This is intentional. Since the splash screen logo is not 3D, it has been disabled in VR.

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Thanks, LeonhardP.

The second (2D) splash screen when the game transitions out of VR into 2D after some period of game play is still really odd for players. Could we get rid of that, and, say, replace it with a 3D “Made with Unity” mark which is shown in 3D beneath the VR Splash logo.

The use case I have is a hybrid (mobile) game which can be played in VR or without a VR headset. The user can at any point transition between 2D<->VR.

Could you please submit your suggestion to the feedback page? I’ll also make a note of it internally.



Submitted the “idea” to suppress the second (mid-game) “Made with Unity” splash screen here:

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