Hello. First sorry about my bad english.
Yesterday. Maybe or not i have update the unity. After that, I open up the unity and The error missing UnityEngine.UI and TextMeshPro happen to me (The type or namespace name ‘UI’ does not exist in the namespace ‘UnityEngine’, The type or namespace name ‘TextMeshProUGUI’ could not be found).
I try to restart the Unity. Unistall and install again. Delete Library folder in my project. Repair in Window → Packacge manager. Reinstall Visual Studio but nothing happen.
I see there is no reference UnityEngine.UI in Visual Studio but i dont know how to add it.
Help me Please or my project Will GONE !
Thanks For Advice Very much !
Try this:
- Close Unity and VS.
- Go to your project folder and delete the folder named “Library”.
- Go to your project folder and delete all the .csproj files.
- Re-open your Unity project.
Let me know if it worked!
The UI component has moved to the package manager since Unity 2019.2. You can download Unity UI and TextMesh Pro from there.