MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Network.InitializeServer'

Hey there,
I am new to unity and I have being follow a networking tutorial on the unitycookie website and i seem to be getting an error even tho my code is the exact same as in the video. I am using version 3.4.2f3. The error i am getting is

MissingMethodException: Method not found: ‘Network.InitializeServer’.
Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.MethodDispatcherFactory.ProduceExtensionDispatcher ()
Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.MethodDispatcherFactory.Create ()
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.DoCreateMethodDispatcher (System.Object target, System.Type targetType, System.String name, System.Object args)
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.CreateMethodDispatcher (System.Object target, System.String name, System.Object args)
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices+c__AnonStorey12.<>m__6 ()
Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherCache.Get (Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherKey key, Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherFactory factory)
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.GetDispatcher (System.Object target, System.String cacheKeyName, System.Type cacheKeyTypes, Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherFactory factory)
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.GetDispatcher (System.Object target, System.Object args, System.String cacheKeyName, Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherFactory factory)
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.Invoke (System.Object target, System.String name, System.Object args)
UnityScript.Lang.UnityRuntimeServices.Invoke (System.Object target, System.String name, System.Object args, System.Type scriptBaseType)
Network.startserver () (at Assets/Network.js:17)
Network.OnGUI () (at Assets/Network.js:31)

Here is my code.

var button_X:float;
var button_Y:float;
var button_W:float;
var button_H:float;

function Start()
	button_X = Screen.width * 0.05;
	button_Y = Screen.width * 0.05;
	button_W = Screen.width * 0.1;
	button_H = Screen.width * 0.1;


function startserver()
	Network.InitializeServer(32, 25000, !Network.HavePublicAddress);

function OnServerInitialized()
	Debug.Log("Server Initialized");

function OnGUI()
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(button_X, button_Y, button_W, button_H), "Start Server"))
		Debug.Log("Starting Server");
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(button_X, button_Y * 1.2 + button_H, button_W, button_H), "Refreash Host"))

I would appreciate Any help!

you by error named your script Network
any js file is actually a class, even if you don’t declare one and if you then call your class Network, it will ‘hide’ the UnityEngine.Network class.

you can still call your script Network if you want, but then you have to fully type the unity engine networking class by calling UnityEngine.Network.InitializeServer(…) so it knows you want to use that one, not your ‘override Network’ class