Mix 3d models in background of 2d Platformer to give depth

I know alot of platformers made these days are really completely 3d models. With a 2d camera and no movement on the Z axis.

I have created a 2d sprite platformers with little png’s and no models and an orthogonal camera. I want to give the background some depth. I am wondering if I can use 3d models in the background for example I have a factory scene and I want to put a few 3d pipe and steam models in the background to give it some perspective. Is this a good idea? How to I get a cool depth background like in boy and his blob?

In Boy and His Blob i think the game has a sprite background with a 3d model foreground.

Sure, there’s absolutely no problem w/ this. it is the norm - go for it.

just FWIW, it’s not clear that Boy-Blob particularly uses the technique.

Also, you probably need 2DToolkit, it’s very widely used for 2.5D

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