Mixing languages and web player caching...

Hi All,

I have 2 doubts:

a) Is it possible to mix C# code with JS code in my project. I mean, with a “shared memory” mechanism between the mixed scripts?

b) If a user downloads a .unityweb build from a web page, will he have to download it again when he access the same page? In other words, does the webplayer has a cache/new version feature?



1 Yes, you can mix the languages and call each others funtions.

2 The caching is done by the browser, so it depends on the browser. But generally; yes it is cached.

Thanks Leepo.


Thanks AngryAnt. BTW I´m looking close your project Behave. Very nice work. Congratulations.

Addressed above, but yes, you can.

Web player files are treated (by the browser) like any other web file. When the page loads for the first time the data file is downloaded to the browser’s cache. Subsequent page loads will use the cached copy unless it’s been cleared from the cache in which case it loads it again from the server.

Thanks Tom.