MK4 Nature Pack lightmap issue


I am not sure if this is specific to the MK4 Nature Pack asset or a general problem:

Does anybody see why I have these black areas after lightmap baking?
I am a total newbie at lightmaps, so I am not sure if I made a mistake in the lightmap settings.
Thank you for the help.

It looks like a shader issue to me, in the skybox possibly? Check the shader textures and make sure they’re setup correctly. You’re using Unity 5, right?

You are my hero, thanks!

I clicked “Fix it”, and the problem was gone.

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Yay, yeah there is going to be a few stragglers needing that for the shader updates. Glad I could help, took me a minute to figure out when I first ran into it too.

@boysenberry Do you use the MK4 textures / prefabs to build your own scenes, or do you basically use the demo scenes?

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I am building terrains using both Terrain Composer and Ultimate Terrains to generate my terrain procedurally (in different scenes). I am planning on using MK4 as objects in both of those packages for placement. I’ll be doing my first trial runs of it today actually.