[ML-Agents 0.6] Not able to follow the Github Documentation. Training needs some fixing

I’m following the learning environment executable documentation :
And I was not able to make it run

Also following the Basic-Guide using actual Vr 0.6 ;

At section: Training the environment, point 3.
I’m still having problems understand and find the correct build path for making it run.

mlagents-learn <trainer-config-path> --run-id=<run-identifier> --train

A correct example line can be very helpful:
This examples are not correct:

mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml --run-id=3DBall/3DBall --train
mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml --run-id=unity-volume/3DBall/3DBall --train```

Also the Training video tutorial n°8 is old and need an update:
**[Machine Learning Agents - Training Your Agent [8/10] Live 2018/4/4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch2y-BSnzhk&list=PLX2vGYjWbI0R08eWQkO7nQkGiicHAX7IX&index=8)**
Especially for Windows users

I do not know where to make the .exe build in first place.
The correct build path must be ?

In Unity 2018.3 __the build name is the project of the name__.
And the UnitySDK has a project name that can be different from each Scene examples.
Making a build in 2018.3 the build name will be the name of the Project.

So can just rename the build .exe and _Data folder to 3DBall.exe and 3DBall_Data as a workaround?

To answer all these questions an update to the Github Documentation can be helpful.

I put all my questions here:
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Hello, I am trying to follow the basic guide, but I do not find: Scripting Runtime Version. were is it?

Welcome to this forum! try to follow youtube video tutorials