Ml-agents, How to reset environment?

I use Ml-agents to train my agents. But I have my doubts about my surroundings. My environment can be destroyed, but when the Endepisode doesn’t reset the environment. I want to reset my environment every time at Endepisode, how do I do that? I’m very confused now.

I have many environments in the scene.

Can you elaborate on your question?
i mean the environment is reset either when the Steps for each agent are greater than the max step specified, or if you call the function EndEpisode() from your agent
either way, it call OnEpisodebegin callback, which you should override to implement your own environment randomizations

In my environment, there is a car.
In the environment, There are roads that break if a car is stepped on, and with Endepisode, I want the roads to go back to normal. What do I have to do?

Suppose I want to load the environment every time an endepisode or step completes.

Help me pls

I didn’t clearly understand your explanation of the problem not gonna lie, but I believe it’s more of a unity question, not magnets one.
If you are looking for the callbacks that get triggered on epsidoebegin and so … check out unityml agents’ documentation

otherwise, I think you need to grasp an understanding of unity basics itself

In the “OnEpisodeBegin” override…you reset everything to go back to the initial state.