Hello, I have made an py script that can detect facial expression from images and give a percentage of the emotion that the person in the image has. I would like to ask if it is possible to run this .py script through Unity Editor with the help of ml-agents for example when i press play in Unity the .py script detects the facial expression and then sending the results to the agent and through the agent the result is shown to Unity.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Nickos_Kal
You can use your own python script if you use the LLAPI https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/main/docs/Python-API.md (or if you modify ML-Agents trainer code and run with mlagents-learn). Currently, launching python scripts from the editor is not supported with ML-Agents.
Is there any way I can run python code in unity now?
I am working on an app that needs some natural language processing. The script I want to use is written in python and uses many python libraries (tensorflow, numpy etc.)
I really want to know if it is possible to integrate my python code to unity