MLAPI wont download into assets!

I downloaded git last week in preparation or this, I setup the login page with playfabs and dealt with email authentication with unity.transport and smtp I finished setting up a “gameEngine” planel with a client,server,player tab. I finally got to my scene “PlayerWorkLab” which is the first place you should spawn.

So, I need to build the player networking prefab and went to go download MLAPI today. (Before you ask/assume YES git is up-to-date 2.33/Restarted laptop for stupid windows update 4 days ago “yay audio drivers now not working right” !Thanks bill gates!)

However, it won’t install. I get these two errors when downloading from the github link,“

error 1:
[Package Manager Window] Cannot perform upm operation: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir ‘C:\Users\keola\OneDrive\Desktop\SolChroniclesInfinite\Library\PackageCache.tmp20724Yz9gcslN85k6\clone’ [NotFound].
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()

error 2:
[Package Manager Window] Error adding package:
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()

I am using the latest version of unity 2021 so, I’d very much like a solution to this issue asap.
I have photon in “My Assets” but, not in the project I’m working on. If that helps at all.

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The link is broken! At the moment the url is glitched. Open the github link in your browser and download the package by name!


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I ended up downloading the latest package as a tarball from the official repo.

Edit: the link seems to be working fine (except in some cases- newer Windows 10/some Win10 set-up). Thanks @Brach_Unity !

Hiya so I’m testing it at the moment and I’m not seeing an issue. This is what im getting when I use the copy function on the docs page.

your second URL has a extra “.” at the end which might be an issue. I have attached a link showing my results. I’m not sure what’s happening with your attempts.

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Try changing the settings for the Git for Windows options to old (not selecting any of the New! options). This fixed it for me.

So, I had exactly this problem so I tried to download and add the tarball from Got the file ok, but both Unity 2020.3.0f1 or Unity 2021.1.23.f1 errored.

So then manually extracted the folder com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi from the tgz file and added it to the manifest locally: "com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi": "file:d:/_projects/Unity/Packages/com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi"

I know this won’t pick up updates but it works and hopefully it will be on the main registry soon?

It should be already in the registry. Just not visible. You can try to add “com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi” via the add package from git URL option. This will fetch MLAPI from the Unity package registry.