MMD fbx atlas texture mess

Hi guys! I myself am new to both unity and blender. I just exported an mmd model from blender to an fbx model. The problem is that when I imported the fbx model in unity, the textures are messed up. But the atlased textures are fine in blender. Can somebody give me a solution to this?

The texture atlased mmd model in blender.

Importing the texture atlased fbx model in Unity.

Did you UV unwrap the model in blender?
If not, then UV unwrap the model, then import it into Unity.
That might hopefully solve the problem.

I texture atlased this. That was a time I am trying to arrange the textures in a texture map. What do you really mean by UV unwrap?

There are a couple other steps that may have been missed:

  1. Make a new material and set your atlas texture as the albedo map.

  2. Go into the import settings for the mesh, Materials tab, and drag your new material to any of the material fields.

UV unwrapping is difficult to explain in full detail. But it helps alot, when
making textures for objects. And gives you full control, of the appearance
of the texture.

Note: The UV unwrapping process, can also be done, in any 3d application.
Eg. Blender, Maya, 3dsmax etc.