MMO-making reality?

Everyone wants to make an MMO. Everyone fails. Even with millions in their pockets and legions of experienced developers behind them.

So what everyone says is: Don’t try an MMO, its too big, you need experience…

But i’m wondering… isn’t that only true if you try to make a WOW / EQ clone, with lots of artwork and quests, and 100000s of subscribers. Wouldn’t a clever procedural game (Love) or one thats comes alive through player contribution (EVE Online) or one with just a very simple game concept (Kart Racer) be just as doable as any other indie game? What if the game is aiming for just 2000 subscribers to be profitable?

Ofc one has to know a few things how MMOs work on the tech side and the required simplifications required for bandwidth and server CPU efficient mechanics. Yet thats hardly rocket science… and even that is learnable.

So i wonder, what do you guys think makes MMOs so totally out of reach? Especially for a game where an identical singleplayer-variant would be easy.

(I define “indie” for the sake of discussion as “one guy with an idea who can start building something playable that can attract some money and help from other idie-devs (or supportive fans) as he goes along” → similar to CaveStory, DwarfFortress, Echochrome, Geometry Wars, Flow…)

THe most common reason for saying an MMO is not feasible is probably because it are usually “newbies” who want to make an MMO, and finish it next day.

However, I also believe that with a small goal and an expandable game, a MMO is very doable to create.

I will go for a MMO within the next year or so myself. I’ll keep my goals realistic. I will not try to compete with WAR/AoC/warcraft…instead release small, expand quick&often.

There are definitely some issues to overcome, mainly that one of those Ms stands for Massive, and I don’t see that mixing well with Indie. MMOs are economies of scale, since to support them you usually need a large number of servers and customer support people, which have a high start-up cost - you only break even after you get a certain number of players. It would seem that you need to have capacity on Day 1 for at least an optimistically large number of clients, since otherwise people may try to get in, find your servers overloaded, and leave never to return. And that’s before we get into things like gameplay balance, abusive users and the testing of something with many options.

Notice that none of the indie games you mentioned are massive, or maybe even multiplayer - the support they likely require once the game is done is minimal. If you wish to go down this path, I suggest you start with something that’s only multiplayer, perhaps like InvinciCar, then take what you learn there and consider applying it to your MMO.

I remember A Tale In The Desert being an example of a successful MMO with a relatively small playerbase (in the thousands) and a pretty small team of developers. You might want to look into the history of it. I may be completely mistaken, but I think they started out with only like 3-5 developers.

edit: just dug around for a couple minutes and it looks like they started up 10 years ago with only two people. That was a different era, of course, but there’s still some valuable information to glean from their approach.

The thing is when people say MMO they think BIG GAME when in reality it needent be. I think for the indie team a smaller scale transitional model is more feasible.

As in; instead of huge scale with players that subscribe for over a year, adapt to smaller title which rolls players through in shorter timeframes. You don’t need a huge world with thousands of quests, 16 job classes and months of grind if your pushing players through a playtime of a few months.

This would also allow you to charge less and compete, pushing through more players on average rather than more players at once.

If that makes sense?

Heres a relatively simple MMO I wasted plenty of hours playing:

Wohoo! Still available for download!

It is possible to succeed. Here is a success story article and a recent video from Austin Game Developer’s Conference. Guy and his wife make more than a million dollars a year with their MMO, they made themselves.

There are many ways to achieve something like an MMO. The Persistent Worlds developed using Neverwinter Nights I think are an interesting example of this. I hated the NWN engine, and the game mechanics, but nevertheless I had some really good fun playing on and eventually helping work on one of these Persistent Worlds. It was extraordinarily addictive to me despite the fact that I see the entire CRPG genre as laughably banal and pedestrian. Neither was I the only addict. Whole cultures build up around NWN PWs, and are still going six years later despite the fact that these things are home brewed and unprofessional.

This is fertile ground. The trick is to make it work with a sustainable business model. I think it can be done.

I am still a neophyte with Unity, and have a painfully scarce amount of free time to dedicate to it - but doggedly I am working toward this one project at a time.

Now if I could just finish that artwork for AngryAnt … and finish working out this Archery game… and figure out how to make a multiplayer game and then… ten years later… :slight_smile:

Right now it looks to me like making the MMO game itself is pretty straight forward. You design it, code it, play it.

I’d expect the tricky to be closely related to things like hardware, load balancing, scalability and maintenance.

As long as the game can run on a simple rackmount server its all easy, but once you have to think about blade centers and cluster computing it gets interesting. Though that aspect sounds like a simple money issue. So the mission for the indie is to grow the game slowly so you can start with a simple rackserver for 100 EUR / month and as you make money, upgrade to bigger solutions as you go, eventually earning enough to be able to call IBM to do the heavy lifting.

Bandwidth is a scare…
1000 logged in users of which each is in the vicinity of 10 others … 36 bytes for a transform * 5 unoptimized updates per sec * 10 players nearby * 1000 logged in = 1,8 MB per sec = 4,67 TB per Month = 200 EUR at a random provider.

A million dollars? Mmmh, where did you find that? It says:

MaidMarian is successful, no doubt, but

is simply no information. It’s (sorry) blabla. :wink:

But the whole story is very interesting as it makes you aware of the dependencies of developers and the software used. What if Director dies? To get the project done with another software… have fun!
They use the Macromedia Multiuser Server (fom 2001). Nobody knows if it’ll be continued…


It’s doable, but it is hard, for a wide variety of reasons. To illustrate a few of the things that makes developing an MMO tricky, let’s analyse it backwards:

In a running game, you’ll have a large community. They each pay e.g. $10 pr month for the privilege (Which is why MMOs are compelling). This income is what you use to pay for maintaining the service. You use it to pay for bandwidth, server rent or depreciation, server maintenance staff, payment provider revenue share, GM staff, community moderators, website maintenance and a number of other minor stuff.

Assuming you want your game to live long, you want to fix bugs, improve performance, fine tune hardware usage, and generally fuss around the games infrastructure to optimise. This means a non-trivial amount of post launch purely technical development.

You’ll likely want to extend and adjust the gameplay and gameworld as well, adding game systems, nerf objects, add objects, add quests add troop types and whatnot. This is basically an extension of the game development procedure you undertook while developing the game, although at this stage, it’s a bit more tricky, because if you introduce a crashbug or an stupid quest or an overpowered sword of goblin slaying, and introduce this to your customerbase, they will be pissed of, and some will leave, costing you money. When you correct the mistake, some will feel nerfed, be pissed of, and leave. How many, depends very much on how well you customer relation people, GM staff and PR staff do their work.

Of course, you have to set the above up to work 24/7 365, no exceptions. This typically means staff in three shifts, which is mostly practical by opening branches in the US, Europe and Asia somewhere. (this way, you avoid having a “night shift”: Asia covers for Europe etc).

Luckily, you had some training, because all of the above, except payment, you need to have in full operation during your beta testing. that six month period, where people play your game without paying for it. that six month period that doesn’t end before you can measure on your player behaviour that they love the game, and would gladly pay the monthly fee to keep playing. Of course, marketing and PR need to get to work a long time before the beta starts, so you can get enough people interested in spending 10+ hours pr week on a promising, but buggy as hell game. Probably, PR and Marketing need at least a 3 month headstart.

Thats nine months, and we haven’t even touched actual game development yet.

Probably many will by now say “Yeah, but this is how WOW and WAR does it, we’re talking about small-scale MMOs.”

Well, first of all, WOW and WAR are on a different scale altogether. Their operation makes the above seem like a news stand in comparison.

Can you avoid some of the above described work ? Probably. Can you cut the Beta shorter ? certainly. Can you make do without PR and gamemasters ? sure.

Will you succeed ? probably not.

Does it make sense to make a small scale mmo ?

If you can make a server setup that works robustly with say 3-400 simultaneous players, you can have a community of about 3500 subs. that’s a healthy amount of players, giving you a nice steady income.
Is it enough to pay for the staff, hardware and bandwidth ? good question. Bandwidth shouldn’t be the problem, nor hardware. Salaries might be.

Assuming the 3500 subs, you’ll have $ 35000 pr month. thats about three people, plus your hardware and bandwidth covered, in broad numbers.
Three people to operate an MMO is not a lot, not mentioning expanding the game, and caring for the community. But yes. it’s doable.

at least… it’s been done :slight_smile: