MMPM & Hot Reload interaction

In MMPM, when I activate a 2nd player and press Play, it opens Hot Reload for Player 2 instead of opening the game window. I have used Hot Reload & Unity 6 before a few months ago and don’t remember having this problem.

Any ideas how I can solve it assuming it’s not a Hot Reload problem?

Can you deactivate Hot Reload while using MPPM?

I cannot recommend hot reloading with more than one active virtual player. I’ll explain:

Hot reloading in multiplayer will be prone to cause intermittent issues because there can be no guarantee that the hot reloading happens simultaneously between VPs. Consider the case where the editor player is hot reloading a change but the virtual player at that very moment sends a custom or RPC message or changes a network variable value. But the now hot reloaded editor player has just altered this very aspect, and receives a non-matching network message, likely printing an error message or throwing an exception.

This will cause an issue that, to ensure it isn’t caused by hot reloading, will force you to disable hot reloading and likely for several runs, since the issue will be intermittent. It’s possible you’ll waste more time with hot reloading with MPPM active than without.