Mobile Ads
Simple and powerful ad integration tool
Get it from: Asset Store - Mobile Ads
For detailed implementation instruction see the Documentation
Also we published a Video Tutorial for beginners to show how to use our test scene using your id`s and also how to implement the plugin in a game from scratch. The code we used in our tutorial is available in the video description. This tutorial uses Unity Ads as example, but it works exactly the same with any other advertiser.
Key features:
- Integrate easily all supported advertisers simply by importing their SDK, no other settings are required. It is not mandatory to integrate all/any of the supported advertisers to work.
- Load ad from any ad platform using the same line of code.
- Customizable mediation policy by using either order mediation or weight based mediation.
- Read mediation config file from an external server of choice to allow the ad display order to be changed without uploading a new build to the store.
- Works for Android / iOS / Windows Store without any additional setup.
Currently supported advertisers:
Facebook Audience Network
Easy Advertiser Setup from a Custom Editor Window:
Simple ad display functions that work for all advertisement platforms without any change:
- Show Banner:
- Show Interstitial:
private void InterstitialClosed()
Debug.Log("Interstitial closed -> Resume Game ");
- Show Rewarded Video:
private void CompleteMethod(bool completed)
Debug.Log("Give reward");
Debug.Log("Ad skipped -> no reward for you");
GDPR Compliance (it is not required if just Unity and/or Vungle sdk`s are used otherwise in mandatory).
You have to get user consent for each new user that enters your app. To do this our plugin uses 2 methods:
Advertisements.Instance.SetUserConsent(bool consent)
Sets and also stores(saves on device) the user answer so all ads from now on will be displayed based on this settings.
The default value(if is not set by the user) is true - will display targeted ads.
bool Advertisements.Instance.UserConsentWasSet()
If true, user already gave his consent, do not bother him anymore
The SetUserConsent method needs to be called before initializing the sdk when user opens the app for the first time.
Some step by step full integration tutorials are available here:
Mobile Ads (GDPR Compliant) - Unity Ads integration tutorial
Mobile Ads (GDPR Compliant) - Admob integration tutorial using Unity
Mobile Ads (GDPR Compliant) - All supported advertisers integration tutorial using Unity