(Mobile): Converting from Transform position to pixel on mobile device

Hey, my question name is a little vague so here’s a better description of the problem I am facing:

I am making a 2D game in which a few circles are drawn onto random coordinates on the screen. The game gets the width and height of the device (ex: 1014,570) and then randomly chooses a coordinate for the circle (ex: 334, 201). My problem is that I don’t know how to place the circle to these numbers, all I can do is place a circle to a transform.x or a transform.y .

Here’s my code:
private float width,height;

	public GameObject prefab;
	public int circleCount; 

	void Start () {
		width = Screen.width;
		height = Screen.height;

		for (int a = 0; a < circleCount; a++) {
			float ranX = Random.Range(0,width);
			float ranY = Random.Range(0,height);

			Instantiate(prefab,new Vector3(ranX,ranY,0),transform.rotation);

Thanks in advance!

Perhaps ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3 position) is what you’re looking for?

LMan’s comment helped me find what I was looking for. Here’s what I did with that method:

	public static Vector2 convertTouch(Vector2 deviceTouch){
		Vector3 worldConversion = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (deviceTouch);
		Vector2 worldTouch = new Vector2(worldConversion.x,worldConversion.y);
		return worldTouch;