Mobile Game with Login user using firebase SDK?

I want to make a mobile game(firebase implemented) where the user logins, and the game save score and some other things + adding leaderboards,acheivements.

1. I used the google play service to test the leaderboards and achievement,but do firebase do this all?or i have to implement the google play services with it?

2. concerning the login user and saved scores/some other stuff whats the best way to achieve this since the game is also on iOS?
like the user should add/create an email and that is saved to the cloud with authentication this work on both iOS and android since i didn’t use the google mail account .is this better?or the logins with his Facebook account?

With Firebase Authentication and -Database (Realtime the only one currently supported for Unity), you can use both Email/Pasword- Facebook (an other SOME’s) as well as Anonymously and your own custom authentication method, and then you can use the Database to store your highscore by UserID.
I normally create shared paths in the database in the root, like: /DATABASE_URL/highscore/$uid/.
And if I want to store user private data i use the path /DATABASE_URL/users/$uid/score/.

`public void SyncToServer(string tableName, object items, bool sharedData=false) {
if (FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser == null) {
Debug.LogError(“SyncWithFirebase: User is not authorized/logged in. Data will not be syncronized with server!”);

        // Set the database root reference
        DatabaseReference rootRef = DataController.Instance.firebaseDatabaseRef;
        if (rootRef != null) {
            DatabaseReference usersRef;
            DatabaseReference uidRef;
            DatabaseReference tableRef;
            if (sharedData)
                tableRef = rootRef.Child(tableName);
            else {
                usersRef = rootRef.Child("users");
                uidRef = usersRef.Child(FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser.UserId);
                tableRef = uidRef.Child(tableName);

            tableRef.SetRawJsonValueAsync(JsonUtility.ToJson(items, true)).ContinueWith(task => {
                if (task.IsFaulted)
                    Debug.LogError("SyncWithFirebase: " + tableName + " write failed: " + task.Exception);
                if (task.IsCompleted)
                    Debug.Log("SyncWithFirebase: " + tableName + " write succeeded...");
        } else
            Debug.LogError("SyncWithFirebase: Database Reference not set!");

tableName in this case would be “highscore” and items object in this case could be a List of a HighScore class you want to save (ie. int LevelName, int Score).