I have multiple input fields next to each other to simulate a verification code input. I want go to the next input field whenever one is editted with a character, but when it goes from one input field to another, the keyboard disappears and reappears again to create this flicker effect. Is it possible to keep the keyboard on the screen when clicking an input field while already selecting another?
hey, did you solve it? i’m facing a similar issue.
I suspect this is on Android. Correct?
I have the same problem on Android. I need to smoothly change focus between multiple input fields, but mobile keyboard is handled automaticly and there is no easy way (or at least I don’t know it) to handle it yourself
I did bring this up again to the Android team and they are looking into it.
As soon as I get an update from them, I’ll provide an update on the forum here.
Found any solution?
Did anyone find an solution
Still no solution to this problem.Hmm
Is there any update regarding this? I am having this issue at least on iPhone 6s. But it works fine on latest devices.
using System;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using ZxLog;
public class Otp : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private TMP_InputField[] otpFields;
[SerializeField] private TMP_InputField otpField;
[SerializeField] private GameObject invalidText;
[SerializeField] private Button verify;
[SerializeField] private Button resend;
[SerializeField] private Button back;
public static event Action OnOtpVerified;
private void OnEnable()
private void OnDisable()
private void ValueChangeCheck(string text)
for (var i = 0; i < otpFields.Length; i++)
otpFields[i].text = string.Empty;
var otp = text.ToCharArray();
for (var i = 0; i < otp.Length; i++)
otpFields[i].text = otp[i].ToString();
if (i == 3) return;
private void OnBack()
private void OnResend()
ApiManager.Post<SignInRequestData, SignInResponseData>(ServiceURLs.Login, new SignInRequestData(UserData
OnSuccessResendOtp, OnErrorResendOtp);
private void OnSuccessResendOtp(SignInResponseData obj)
if (obj.status)
UIManager.ShowPopUp("Message", "OTP Resent successfully");
Print.BigWhiteLog("OTP = " + obj.data);
CustomLog.ErrorLog(obj.message + obj.status);
private void OnErrorResendOtp(string obj)
private void OnVerify()
ApiManager.Post<OtpRequestData, ProfileResponseData>(ServiceURLs.VerifyOtp, new OtpRequestData(UserData.GetData
(UserDataSet.Email), GetOtpFieldsData().ToString()), OnSuccessVerifyOtp, OnErrorVerifyOtp);
private void OnSuccessVerifyOtp(ProfileResponseData obj)
if (obj.status)
if (UserData.GetData(UserDataSet.Token) != String.Empty)
CustomLog.ErrorLog("Token Missing from userdata");
CustomLog.ErrorLog(obj.message + obj.status);
private void OnErrorVerifyOtp(string obj)
private static void NextScreen()
if (UserData.GetTotalData().isProfileComplete)
void ResetAllFields()
foreach (TMP_InputField field in otpFields)
field.text = "";
private int GetOtpFieldsData()
var otp = "";
foreach (var value in otpFields)
otp += value.text;
Print.BigWhiteLog("OTP = " + otp);
return int.Parse(otp);
public class OtpRequestData
public string email;
public string otp;
public OtpRequestData(string email, string otp)
this.email = email;
this.otp = otp;
public class ProfileResponseData
public bool status;
public string message;
public Data data;
public class Data
public Settings settings;
public string _id;
public string firstName;
public string lastName;
public string email;
public string otp;
public bool otpVerified;
public string whatsappNumber;
public string dob;
public string referNumber;
public string location;
public string gender;
public string profileImage;
public string qrCode;
public bool active;
public bool isProfileComplete;
public string fcmToken;
public string deviceId;
public string sellerId;
public DateTime createdAt;
public DateTime updatedAt;
public int __v;
public string token;
public class Settings
public bool music;
public bool soundEffect;
public bool vibration;
public Settings(bool music, bool soundEffect, bool vibration)
this.music = music;
this.soundEffect = soundEffect;
this.vibration = vibration;
this code worked for me
please check this out it helps a lot
this is not a solution but a good way out of this problem