Mobile Notifications Custom Sound


I am working with Unity Mobile Notifications (From Package manager Mobile Notifications 1.04)

how can i use a custom sound file when sending a notification
what would be the code and where do i insert the code for the custom sound file

curently when notification is displayed only the android phone default sound is played


I was wondering about the same issue today ( but for iOS )
Found this in SourceCode

// TODO add a way to specify custom sounds.
    content.sound = [UNNotificationSound defaultSound];

So I think it may be in the roadmap, but when? I have no clue


Is this still going on as of March 2020?

… April 2022 ?

How does this package still have a TODO on it for critical notification features?!

Is this even a thing? I don’t think I’ve ever had an app with a custom notification sound, unless I set the app to have a custom notification sound on my phone settings. And since users can override and set whatever notification sound they want, this seems like an odd thing to do…

It’s a thing and it’s also one of the most annoying things an app or game can do.

If you have an obnoxious sound, it’s annoying.

But I consider unique sounds to be far superior. I don’t WANT every notification to sound the same on my phone. Sound is a very important sense, and it’s up to us as developers to use it.

I want all my notifications to have the same sound unless I change them myself in my system settings. The app should only ever drive sound when it’s in active use.

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I agree 100%. And in fact the vast majority of apps on my phone have been silenced and that is especially true for games (and even more especially for ones that continuously try to convince you to play them). Otherwise I would be hearing 20 dings a minute…