Mobile Notifications delayed by several hours

I have the latest Mobile Notification package installed (2.4.0) and have been trying to schedule very simple notifications, but they are delayed by many hours.

public void ScheduleNotification(string title, string text, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL channel, int fireTimeInSeconds)
        var notification = new AndroidNotification();
        notification.Title = title;
        notification.Text = text;
        notification.FireTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(fireTimeInSeconds);
        notification.SmallIcon = "icon_0";
        notification.LargeIcon = "icon_1";

        AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification, channel.ToString());

I register the channels as well and have the permission.

Is there a particular reason you use UtcNow? The documentation has this example line:

notification.FireTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);

As you can see they used local time as it seems that the notification uses the local system time and not world time / UTC. How much are you off UTC? :slight_smile: Here in germany we are at +1 in the winter and +2 in the summer.

Check if device is in battery saving (or similar) mode. In such cases notifications may not work unless app is exempt from that.
Normally without exact scheduling setup the delay can be few minutes, but something major.