Mobile toon shader HELP

I am searching for about one month on the internet for ways to make an toon shader but I find 0 results
This is the type of shader I want to do This is the post i find about it Unite2015 probelight English version | PPT

The shader uses LightProbes as light ! and i gues it is fast sice I have the shaders from the Deadzone Sample project and they are fast as hell! But since i got 0 Knowledge about Shader programing I only fuck up when i try to correct an error in a shader :expressionless:

Aparently this was made with unity and for mobile specific + the game runs damn well for some reason the assetstore toon shaders all of them suck (i actualy bought them all) becouse they eat aroud 10+ fps per object or material! I am looking to pay too if its the case but I hope some good heart people help me without asking for payment :(!!

If someone can help me It will be wellcome for my pvp 3ps Anime game(Thank you!! “for reading this atleast”)

BUMP no admin who can think of a solution??