High performance - 300 cars on a 2018 Android device.
No coding skills required.
Traffic lights intersections support.
Priority intersections support - cars decide by themselves to wait or to enter an intersection.
Roundabout support - cars wait until the roundabout is free.
Narrow road support - cars wait until the lane is free before changing it.
Overtake - cars automatically overtake each other if the road has multiple lanes.
Building avoidance - if a car hits a building, it will try to recover itself.
Customizable car properties - acceleration, max speed, brake speed, steer angle etc.
Variable number of wheels - from 3 to as many as you want.
Automatically car assignments - made just by pressing a button.
Speed routes - set speed restrictions for some lanes or areas and all cars will follow them.
Car types - assign different types to cars and you can restrict access on some roads based on car types (ex: trucks are allowed only on the first lane and are not allowed inside the cities).
Lights support - main lights, brake lights, blinkers, reverse lights that automatically work.
Sound support - basic engine sound for each car based on acceleration and speed.
Hard shadow support - useful is you need even more performance.
Custom editor tools - a lot of editor windows to make the integration process as smooth as possible.
Simple API for advanced functionalities.
Parallel job system - for better performance.
Burst compiler - to speed up the computations.
No wheel colliders - raycasts are used for better performance and high accuracy.
Pooling system - spawns the cars around the player so you can create high density traffic with low number of used cars. Very scalable for huge environments.
Layer management - for better optimization.
Waypoints driving - it comes with an easy to use Waypoint editor, so waypoint generation is semi-automatically.
Full editor script that automatically prepares your car.
Full code is provided and fully commented, no dlls.
Works with any version of Unity above 2019.1.0 with any Unity license available.
You can override the OnCollisionEnter and OnTriggerEnter to create custom actions.
If you provide me a full list with what actions you want I can make them on the next update.
How would one go about changing the path of a specific vehicle?, Say i want to override the current path and add a offset to the current waypoint or set a new destination for example.
I would like the system can query the car agent, replace it by user.
Let say I want to make a firetruck sim games, the car agent not good enough to give way, so I can replace the AI agent to scripted car, do any thing I want.
if there are API for intersection control will be great, so we can make a lot of different situation. or API can query the way point so I can make a guide line for player etc…
I don’t think any traffic system can do this in asset store, but I am looking for the best. thank!
That is not possible at the current state of the plugin, Please send me an e-mail with your invoice number and i will note your request and soon I will make a pool with all the requests I will receive and start adding them in order of importance. thank you!
Also it look like there are no different mass about the vehicle size, can we add the mass for the vehicle? when the player crash in to the bus, that free very light.
You can set the mass of the vehicle in the rigidbody component. The brake distance is 4 meters.
Do you think that is not enough? Are you using version 1.0.3 of the plugin? I fixed some issues with braking in that version
i have a project which has been made the road and merged into the scene and building, can i just on top add this traffic system, without using the road you provided?, as the scene have one underground tunnel as well, so when i setting the car drive path, can it have the ground level up and low setting?
I am very interested in this asset and have some questions.
Is it possible to dynamically reverse the direction of travel of the road instead of on Unity Editor?
(Even though it is dynamic, I just want to change it with API etc. at the start of the Play scene)
Will this asset car stop driving when a person (NPC or player) interferes with the car’s progress?
Do you have any plans to support the traffic of people (NPCs) including traffic lights in the future?
Sorry for the late replay I was not notified by Unity.
No the direction cannot be changed at runtime and i do not think it will be even possible.
When a car sees an obstacle it will stop. So if you mark any npc as an obstacle any traffic cars will stop.
i am very busy right now, but sometimes in the future i might create some people system but it will not be included inside Traffic System because cars and people are 2 separate entities, they do not interfere and have nothing in common.
Can this asset be used with an existing network of lanes/roads? e.g. can I set up the lanes/waypoints programmatically? I am working with EasyRoads3D and I have code that extracts the lanes into a graph, so I have all the information about the lanes as a collections of vector3. My scene has > 400 roads, so I’d really rather not have to recreate each road by hand for traffic.
Currently it cannot be used, but next month I will make an update that will automatically generate waypoints from the Easy Roads 3D.
If you are in a hurry do not buy this asset, but i the future I will add automatically integration wil all major road and city building assets from the store.
thank you!
Excellent news! Will you be using the EasyRoads3D 3.3 beta to pull out the lane info that comes with that version? It has travel direction, speed and waypoints already. Raoul (the ER3D developer) is very helpful and responsive, and I’m more than happy to share what I’ve learned in extracting that info into a component graph (ECS/DOTS, but in the end, it’s just a graph). I’m not interested in keeping my code secret or anything, especially if there is an asset that can solve the traffic problem for me without having to write it all myself
I’m not in any hurry. I need to finish my roads and environment before I should be playing with traffic.