I have an fbx for a simple animation dummy model. It consists of just a couple of connected bones (CameryDummy_Static (root) and CameraDummy_Anim). When imported in Unity 3.4, it appears in the Project list as CameraDummy, with the child CameraDummy_Anim. After upgrading to Unity 3.5, however, the child is CameraDummy_Static and there’s no sign of CameraDummy_Anim. In game, the animations which move CameraDummy_Anim around no longer have any effect.
Here’s (I hope) the relevant bit of the fbx:
; Object definitions
Definitions: {
Version: 100
Count: 7
ObjectType: "GlobalSettings" {
Count: 1
ObjectType: "AnimationStack" {
Count: 1
PropertyTemplate: "KFbxAnimStack" {
Properties70: {
P: "Description", "KString", "", "", ""
P: "LocalStart", "KTime", "Time", "",0
P: "LocalStop", "KTime", "Time", "",0
P: "ReferenceStart", "KTime", "Time", "",0
P: "ReferenceStop", "KTime", "Time", "",0
ObjectType: "AnimationLayer" {
Count: 1
PropertyTemplate: "KFbxAnimLayer" {
Properties70: {
P: "Label", "KString", "", "", "Layer"
P: "Weight", "Number", "", "A+",100
P: "Mute", "bool", "", "",0
P: "Solo", "bool", "", "",0
P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",0
P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.8,0.8,0.8
P: "BlendMode", "enum", "", "",0
P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",0
P: "ScaleAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",0
P: "BlendModeBypass", "ULongLong", "", "",0
ObjectType: "Model" {
Count: 2
PropertyTemplate: "KFbxNode" {
Properties70: {
P: "QuaternionInterpolate", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationOffset", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "RotationPivot", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "ScalingOffset", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "ScalingPivot", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "TranslationActive", "bool", "", "",0
P: "TranslationMin", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "TranslationMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "TranslationMinX", "bool", "", "",0
P: "TranslationMinY", "bool", "", "",0
P: "TranslationMinZ", "bool", "", "",0
P: "TranslationMaxX", "bool", "", "",0
P: "TranslationMaxY", "bool", "", "",0
P: "TranslationMaxZ", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationOrder", "enum", "", "",0
P: "RotationSpaceForLimitOnly", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationStiffnessX", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "RotationStiffnessY", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "RotationStiffnessZ", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "AxisLen", "double", "Number", "",10
P: "PreRotation", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "PostRotation", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationMin", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "RotationMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "RotationMinX", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationMinY", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationMinZ", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationMaxX", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationMaxY", "bool", "", "",0
P: "RotationMaxZ", "bool", "", "",0
P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",0
P: "ScalingActive", "bool", "", "",0
P: "ScalingMin", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",1,1,1
P: "ScalingMinX", "bool", "", "",0
P: "ScalingMinY", "bool", "", "",0
P: "ScalingMinZ", "bool", "", "",0
P: "ScalingMaxX", "bool", "", "",0
P: "ScalingMaxY", "bool", "", "",0
P: "ScalingMaxZ", "bool", "", "",0
P: "GeometricTranslation", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "GeometricRotation", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0
P: "GeometricScaling", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",1,1,1
P: "MinDampRangeX", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MinDampRangeY", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MinDampRangeZ", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MaxDampRangeX", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MaxDampRangeY", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MaxDampRangeZ", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MinDampStrengthX", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MinDampStrengthY", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MinDampStrengthZ", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MaxDampStrengthX", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MaxDampStrengthY", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "MaxDampStrengthZ", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "PreferedAngleX", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "PreferedAngleY", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "PreferedAngleZ", "double", "Number", "",0
P: "LookAtProperty", "object", "", ""
P: "UpVectorProperty", "object", "", ""
P: "Show", "bool", "", "",1
P: "NegativePercentShapeSupport", "bool", "", "",1
P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",-1
P: "Freeze", "bool", "", "",0
P: "LODBox", "bool", "", "",0
P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0,0,0
P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",0,0,0
P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,1,1
P: "Visibility", "Visibility", "", "A+",1
ObjectType: "NodeAttribute" {
Count: 2
PropertyTemplate: "KFbxSkeleton" {
Properties70: {
P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.8,0.8,0.8
P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",100
P: "LimbLength", "double", "Number", "",1
; Object properties
Objects: {
NodeAttribute: 706662208, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" {
Properties70: {
P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",0.00021119685152371
TypeFlags: "Skeleton"
NodeAttribute: 706661088, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" {
Properties70: {
P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",0.00021119685152371
TypeFlags: "Skeleton"
Model: 1049926912, "Model::CameraDummy_Static", "LimbNode" {
Version: 232
Properties70: {
P: "PreRotation", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",-90,0,0
P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1
P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1
P: "ScalingMin", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0.01,0.01,0.01
P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0.01,0.01,0.01
P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0
P: "LODBox", "bool", "", "",1
P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-8.20117065813974e-009,9.77976532899995e-017,3.0517578125e-007
P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",90.0000006832453,-0.00093755716797416,-1.86693352852222e-005
P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.0100000000013393,0.0100000000013388,0.0100000000000005
P: "MaxHandle", "int", "Integer", "U",521
MultiLayer: 0
MultiTake: 1
Shading: T
Culling: "CullingOff"
Model: 1049949024, "Model::CameraDummy_Anim", "LimbNode" {
Version: 232
Properties70: {
P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1
P: "ScalingMin", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0.01,0.01,0.01
P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0.01,0.01,0.01
P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0
P: "LODBox", "bool", "", "",1
P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",8.20087734609842e-007,-8.67361737988404e-019,-3.01598320220364e-005
P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",8.50881020539341e-007,1.86693230966851e-005,-0.000926191288247327
P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999999344479615,0.999999940527728,0.999999284744327
P: "MaxHandle", "int", "Integer", "U",522
MultiLayer: 0
MultiTake: 1
Shading: T
Culling: "CullingOff"
AnimationStack: 1048725328, "AnimStack::Take 001", "" {
AnimationLayer: 1048713616, "AnimLayer::BaseLayer", "" {
; Object connections
Connections: {
C: "OO",1049926912,0
C: "OO",1048713616,1048725328
C: "OO",1049949024,1049926912
C: "OO",706662208,1049926912
C: "OO",706661088,1049949024
And the meta file:
fileFormatVersion: 1
guid: c86500e2d2b77ba4a9283a24d9c0a898
importerVersion: 7
scaleFactor: 1
useFileUnits: 1
meshCompression: 0
generateColliders: 0
swapUVs: 1
normalImportMode: 0
tangentImportMode: 1
smoothingAngle: 60
splitTangents: 1
generation: 0
generation: 3
bakeAnimations: 0
animationCompression: 1
animationWrapMode: 0
splitAnimations: 1
- 100000
- 400000
- 11100000
- 100002
- 400002
importerVersion: 1
7400000: Take 001 //// CameraDummy