Model looks 'torn' on import.

I made a model in sketchup, imported it to lender where i rigged and animated no problem. The animations are smooth etc. I’ve now put it into Unity… and the object looks ‘torn’, some looks crumpled, there are even some gaps! What do I do guys?!


A picture would help this tons.

Did you use any boolean effects on it?

Yeah, post an image. Although I’m predicting vertex normal/smoothing errors.

There. It’s all deformed and split- i haven’t animated any of that side either…
Here it is in blender:

soz, deadline to meet!

Soz, but bumping again. I really need an answer.

It seems that for whatever reason the points in your mesh are not merged together. That, or the normals are somehow screwed up. I don’t really know a lot about blender so I’m not sure what to suggest, but it seems there is a problem with your model.

try going into your model within unity, to the import settings, and let unity calculate the normals. That should fix you up. Let me know if you need more description on getting to the setting. If you click on your imported model in the hierarchy panel i believe its exposed in that panel which opens in the inspector. g’luck.

Tried that, looked even weirder. There were still gaps in the mesh.

I’ve had an idea what it might be- could it be weights not painted correctly?

So how are you exporting it? Through Blender as an FBX (the screenshot looks like Blender) or in some other kind of file

I’m exporting all objects from blender as .fbx, disabling the lamp and camera and leaving everything else. I’ll try without animation and report back!

EDIT: Ok, tried it, the mesh is still deformed and torn. I guess the only option is to remake the mesh in blender fully then animate that.