Modeled Terrain In Blender Not Accepted In Unity

I modeled a terrain in blender and the end model was 67,000 polygons, when i brought it into unity it said one mesh could only be 65,000 polygons. This makes me feel like, “well cant unity’s terrain be more than 65,000 polygons”. I dont know if thats true or not but thats how i feel because me terrain doesnt look nearly as detailed as a simple one i could create in unity. Before you ask me, “why not just make a terrain in unity then”? Its because i have more control and i want to get a sharper look with textures and other stuff like that.

Why is it that unity can handle their terrain but not mine, and if it cant handle mine because my terrain is to high poly. Would anyone know how many polygons unitys terrain actually gets?

Thanks For The Help.

Terrains in Unity don’t have any polygons, they are heightmaps (polygons are generated on the fly at runtime). You can convert a model to a terrain with Object2Terrain, though you will need to reduce the polygons under 65K polygons first.