Modeling beginner help.

Hello all,

I would like to ask for help in 3d modeling as well as animation (and of course rigging). I have searched high and low but cannot find a tutorial that can help me. Every time I watch a video tutorial I have to watch 10 more to understand it, then more videos to understand those and so on. I first tried with maya but was not able to understand it, then 3ds max and after messing around with both I tried zbrush as a last resort after seeing a tutorial where it seemed more user friendly than the others only to be horribly disappointed after installing it. I know that 3d modeling is complicated but what I am looking for is a starting point and a tutorial that can teach me. The tutorials I have read and seen in the past are for lack of a better term incomplete or are filled with links to more videos and pdf’s making it an endless cycle. It is not the first time I have asked for help but it seems everywhere I ask I get the following responses -ask google (I have) - use blender (I have and hate it for too many reasons to list) - read “this” tutorial or watch “that” tutorial (doesn’t help me). In short I need a comprehensive tutorial that can teach anyone how to model and animate from beginning to end.

Thank you for any help.

That’s normal. 3d modeling is hard and it’s not something you’ll pick up easily. Start slow, follow along with the tutorial and explore on your own. Try to do things on your own and get lost, google around, read things, watch another video, try some more. You’ll get it, just keep doing and learning.

There is no magic tutorial that’ll be “just right” for you. Take what you already have and just keep trying. Also, try not to switch applications, thinking that ZBrush will solve your problems is a bad way to go about it. Throwing away everything you just learned about Maya or something is counterproductive.

Everyone who learned 3d modeling has gone through what you’re going through. Keep your nose to the grindstone, every day you’ll learn a bit more and keep building on that.

Thank you for trying to help but I don’t know how to explain my situation or ask for help anymore, I have already done everything you suggested but it’s not getting me anywhere. For me its like trying to learn Japanese (which I can’t speak) with a book written in kanji (which I can’t read) with lessons ending abruptly. I started five years ago and still can’t model anything, everything I extrude, bevel etc turns into a horrible mess any existing model I try to edit turns into a horrible mess I’m not making any progress because I can’t find anything that can teach me. I need a starting point or else it’s like reading a book back to front or randomly picking a page, nothing makes sense. I’m literally on the verge of tears I just don’t know what to do anymore.

I think you need personal tutelage then. Find someone who can work with you. Go to school. Pay someone to give you lessons over the internet.

Don’t know anyone into 3d, no classes for 3d around here and crap exchange rate means it will cost a fortune.

Part of it sounds like you’ve just jumped around way too much from frustration. Learning is a frustrating process and if you switch to a new app each time you’ll run into confusion. Each will have their own workflow in approaching similar problems but may use different terminology.

I have a background in Maya & Blender & would be happy to help out in answering your questions. I would suggest settling on a single tool for now. For cost, community support, etc I suggest Blender. Try work through cgcookie intro to Blender. As you complete modeling animation, etc make a list of questions and PM me. I can’t promise I’ll be able to respond quick, but I’ll try for asap.

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in mi experience for you first experience of modeling a 3d mesh you can use Blender… how blender¿?.. that is the most accessible and free tool you can used, is a powerful to model render and more, if you don have any idea of the 3d model in internet you can find a lot of toutorials to learn how to osed… try this one after buy another one,

PD: have luck and excuse mi bad English

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