Modeling Progress | Advice?

So I recently modeled this pistol(I’m still pretty new at this):

It took me about 45 minutes to complete. My problem is that it looks sort of… bubble wrapped. It look sort of like plastic instead of metal. What’s my problem?

It depends, is that a render? if so, the problem is the material you are using. If it’s Unity, the problem is the same.
In both cases, it doesn’t matter, since you will never use the material that way. You need a texture. Both for render and Unity (unless you have a very detailed high poly gun, where a nice metalic material is enough).

I do have a texture, and if the material doesn’t matter why is that my problem? Could you please explain yourself?

With only a render to go on- it could be any number of things!

It looks like you’ve got soft edges enabled which is detracting from the angular look your probably aiming for. For a shiny metallic look you’ll want to create a material with high specular levels, but if you look at most modern weapons they are actually quite dull and un-reflective. You mention that your using a texture- but it looks very simple (just a matte gray) which won’t help much either.

I’d recommend heading to a site like:, downloading some of the models and texture files and really looking at how good models are composed. You need to focus on getting good topology (simple works best and also generates better results due to lower poly-counts) and a good texture.

Your gun looks a bit like a Glock, so why not try this one for starters: (its not fantastic, but the topology and basic texture look OK!).

It doesn’t matter the material you are using because it would never look like that in game. In a game, the most important part is the texture, and then, depending on many things, the lighting. And a game engine would never shade (shade, understand “show on screen”) like that. To know how it would look in game, have a look to the Unity’s “game” window.
If you have a texture on that gun, then it is a useless flat gray texture. In that case is even worse because you are wasting video memory.
As it’s been said already, follow a good tutorial. Once you’ve finished it, restart it again and improve.