modelling a robot: how to import RPLidar A1


I’m working on a modelisation project, and I try to modeling my robot on Unity, and to add motors, sensors, and a Lidar

Where can I find RPLidar modelisation and how can I send the information to my ROS node ?

Thanks for your help

Sounds like a lot of your non-Unity answers will likely be found on the robotics system specific forum boards for whatever middleware you’re using.

As far as interfacing hardware to your PC and using it from Unity, the Arduino guys have done a ton of good work here, so those are other things to google for.

For the actual 3D graphics of your robot, check the Unity docs for what graphic formats are supported, such as FBX and Wavefront OBJ files.

thank you for this information

What I’m looking to do is to integrat my lidar into unity, so I can test my arduino code directly on unity, without using a hardware board.

Do you know a model of RPLidar A1 that could do this? and that I could retrieve the information with ROS afterwards?