@moderators: No reputation points for accepted answers

Seems like I don’t get any reputation points. The last 2 accepted answers I gave didn’t result in any reputation. While one of them was a solution to my own question the other one was regular:

Blender 2.57 fbx not visible in Unity 3.4.2 f2

My karma history shows the last entry in September. There are 3 more answers not accepted but upvoted. Don’t know how your implementation works, but at stackoverflow.com I earn points in this case too.

Accepted answers don’t give karma. Only upvotes do. Unfortunately, this is not, in fact, stack-overflow- the system doesn’t work the same way. If you’re so keen on rep points, give answers that several people will consider worth upvoting!

Hi Kayy, syclamoth has already answered you, but I let you notice another thing: on your personal profile, you have another information than karma, that's the "accept rate". It would clarify your doubt: as syclamoth already said, karma is given by upvotes (+15, for every upvote), while accept rate will increase with answers marked as correct ones. While I'm writing, you've give 10 answers (even to your own questions, doesn't matter), and 3 of those are marked green. 3 out of 10 is 30%, in an integer approximation, that's your actual accept rate.

With points for answers, people tended to cut&paste answers for commonly asked Q’s, since it got them more points. Now seems like I see more posts referring back to the perfectly good old answer, which is more how this forum should work.