Modern Weapons Warfare Audio Pack, City Life Props Pack - Volume One More!


Now available on the ASSET STORE! - February 4th 2011

Hello All;

We offer a few content packs that you all might find interesting and useful for your gaming projects. We will be releasing new packs soon.

To Purchase Our Products - Click Here!

City Life Props Pack - Volume One


This model pack comes with 72 low polygon high quality models, perfect for independent game developers. Included are 512 or 1024 res textures, including Diffuse, Normals, Specualar, Occlusion Displacement in TGA format! So you can customize your textures for your game engine of choice!

Model formats include: .ma (Maya 2009) .obj and .FBX

Price: $49.95

To Learn More - Click Here!

Modern Weapons Warfare Audio Pack:


This audio pack contains 194 high quality weapon sound FX. Designed with the highest quality standard. Perfect for independent game developers!

Click Here To Listen To A Sample

Price: $39.95

To Learn More - Click Here!

Final Note:

Thanks for your support and be sure to bookmark our site as more packs will become available soon!

To Purchase Our Products - Click Here!


Just to let you know, my anti-virus is blocking you site due to some infected object on there.



Hey Dan;

That’s an old warning from when I got hacked, McAfee are super slow are removing that warning. I have since installed SITELOCK security on our site to insure that it does not happen again. You can see on the site at the bottom when the site was last verified… Which is daily.



Just purchased the Modern Weapons audio pack with a commercial license. I almost don’t want to tell people how good of a pack it is so less people will use it, but its a really great pack. It’s going to save me alot of money in the long run and all the sounds are really great.

Just curious but is there any way I can learn which gun models these sounds came from? I will likely be using all of them and probably will have the same gun they were made with in the game.

First of all thanks for your purchase. These sounds are not listed in the sense of what model weapon shot what audio. This is very much a movie themed sound pack, as most guns in real life sound dull and honestly not all that powerful as they do in games or motion pictures. They have been beefed up some to give greater effect.

Please let me know what game you use the sounds in as I would love to play it.



Thats no problem, I can actually tell what a few of them seem to be coming from. I can definitely here a p90 type sound in one of them, mp5, and ak-47ish guns.

One suggestion for later is to actually have clip removal sounds. All of the clip inserts are good, and I think I am going to attempt to reverse the sounds and see if that works.


Now available on the ASSET STORE! For those of you that purchased this through our site you may also download and updated version.

Thanks for your support.