Hi, so I’ve been racking my head around a bug recently. Videos suddenly stopped working on Android devices and it was because of a missing shader: “Hidden/VideoDecodeAndroid”. It seems like Unity automatically adds this to the “always included shaders” list in the Graphics settings on the desktop app. However, cloud build is not the case.
The issue arose because of changing platforms. I changed to iOS which removes the shader from the always included list. Pushed my changes to the repo and build for all platforms on cloud. Then Android complaining that it couldn’t find the correct video shader.
So I’m wondering, how can I tell Unity to always include this shader for Android on Cloud Build?
I can’t seem to find any Editor class that defines this.
For now my solution is to switch to Android (locally) before pushing changes to the repository. Kind of a pain, especially now I’m using asset bundles.
It’s kind of annoying that this happens automatically because it means you either exclude QualitySettings from your versioning tool, or you live with keeping these file changes around in your uncommitted changes list…
This issue should also replicate when running a build in Batchmode so the best way to resolve this in the long term would be if you could test that out and then report this as a bug using Help → Report a Bug in the Editor.