Hello, I have this script which makes pipes appear endlessly, so I have a hundred of them constantly generated. I have a script that destroys them when they come out of the screen. But I saw that it is better to recycle them than to destroy them, it would hurt performance!
How can I modify my script to do object pooling? Thank you in advance for your help.
This is my actual script :
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SpwanPIPE : MonoBehaviour
float next_spawn_time;
public GameObject PIPE;
public float height;
void Start()
//start off with next spawn time being 'in 5 seconds'
next_spawn_time = Time.time + 0.000001f;
void Update()
if (Time.time > next_spawn_time)
//do stuff here (like instantiate)
GameObject newpipe = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(-10, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe1 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe1.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(10, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe2 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe2.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(30, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe3 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe3.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(50, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe4 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe4.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(70, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe5 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe5.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(90, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe6 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe6.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(110, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe7 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe7.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(130, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe8 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe8.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(150, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe9 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe9.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(170, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe10 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe10.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(190, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe11 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe11.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(210, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe12 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe12.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(230, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe13 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe13.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(250, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
GameObject newpipe14 = Instantiate(PIPE);
newpipe14.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(270, Random.Range(-height, height), 0);
//increment next_spawn_time
next_spawn_time += 9991f;
This is my destroy script :
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Destroy : MonoBehaviour
public float dropoffPosition = -900f;
void Update()
// Perform logic to move the object, first. That way, it trigers
// Destroy() as soon as it oversteps its boundary.
if (transform.position.x < dropoffPosition)