Modify primitives 3d objets.?

Hi, thaks for read this.

My question is, if it is possible to modify a cube inside unity?, and work with their polygons to deform?
in other words… unity have primitives 3d objects, like cube sphere, etc…
can I modify them like the picture down here ?

or is better import from cinema 4d with file format FBX ?

thanks for your valuable help on this. !
mau !

You can modify meshes in script. But what you’re looking for is a 3d modeling application, which Unity is not (and does not try to be).

thanks for your quick answer… i will use then cinema 4d,
just another question for every one…

exporting from cinema 4D to unity iphone …
Is better use files with extencion .c4d
is better use files with extencion .FBX

and i I want to focus all my work just on iphone unity !
thanks a lot one more time !

unity only supports FBX

if you use c4d, its invisibly exported by cinema4d to FBX just without offering you the control you get through the exporter setups