The only way to apply the modifications that I have found is to rename the struct. Even then the VFX graph shows the old struct and the new one. Is there a way to properly apply the changes, or is it a bug?
I’m on 2021 LTS, the version of Visual Effect Graph is 12.1.7
To fully illustrate the negative impact of this, imagine the situation:
- You create a custom struct, like ParticleData, which contains particle position and sprite id
- You create 50 different particle effects (.vfx files) that use this ParticleData struct which you feed in through a GraphicsBuffer
- You figure that you have to add color to ParticleData, if you just add color field, it won’t work, because all 50 .vfx files will have the older version of the struct in their generated YAML.
- The only workaround is to copy the struct, rename it, add the new field in the renamed version, then go through all 50 files and manually switch the SampleGraphicsBuffer type, and rewire the connections.
This is a nightmare.
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