Modifying Styles via Script

There’s something fundamental about styles that I think I am missing. I am creating a style within a script. I clone it from the default label style. Then I make it bold and green. But the GUI.Label does not obey my styling!

private GUIStyle myLabelStyle;

private void Start () 
   myLabelStyle = null;

private void OnGUI ()
   if (myLabelStyle == null) // initialize here
      myLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(;
      myLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
      myLabelStyle.normal.textColor =;   
   GUI.Window(123, myRect, drawWindowContent, "Window Title");

private void drawWindowContent (int windowId)
   GUI.Label(new Rect(5,5,80,80), "SomeText", myLabelStyle);

There’s no inspector use involved here. I want to do this solely within code! What am I missing? The label is simply ignoring my styling.

I have green label from your code, however bold property only works for dynamic fonts.

“bold property only works for dynamic fonts”. Can you show me how to get the bold to work with ONLY using script, NO inspector?

you need to import any font as dynamic font, then you must somehow reference it in your script
easiest way is to make public variable and drop the actual font there.

public Font dynamicFont;

then when creating the font just add one line

myLabelStyle.font = dynamicFont;