I have been messing with the Blended Skybox Shader from the UnifyWiki site. Currently, the Shader only transitions between 12 textures (six for the first, and six for the second) I have been trying to modify the shader to add six more images to be transitioned, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how. I am not great with shader terminology. I have it set up to add the six other textures (so the they do show up in the inspector when selecting the “skybox blended”). I just can’t figure out what terminology to use to actually make the shader include the six other textures in the overall transition:
SetTexture [_FrontTex] { combine texture }
SetTexture [_FrontTex2] { ConstantColor (0,0,0,[_Blend])combine texture lerp(constant) previous }
SetTexture [_FrontTex2] { combine previous +- primary, previous * primary }
I know I need to add a line here (or 2 or 3) for “SetTexture[_FrontTex3]” but I don’t know what terminology to use to make it transition to the 3rd set of textures. Any help would be greatly appreciated.