I cannot figure how I can modify the maximum height which the character can step on when using the Locomotion System.
I have unsuccessfully been trying to modify several parameters to achieve this and obtained the following results:
reducing the Max Step Height parameter in the Leg Animator script only makes the character step on thin air but he still manages to reach a higher ground level.
reducing the Step Offset parameter in the Character Controller component does not have any effect at all (and modifying the Height, Radius and Slop Limit parameters does not have any effect either)
(I guess that this is due to the Alignment Tracker script which supersedes the Character Controller)
If you want to physically prevent the character from being able to climb steps of certain heights, that’s the StepOffset of the CharacterController you need to adjust.
Note that the CharacterController can be a bit quirky. If the side of your steps are not completely vertical, they may be treated like a slope, not a step.
Are you using Unity 2.x or 3.x? There were some fixes in how the CharacterController works in Unity 3.
The AlignmentTracker and the Locomotion System in general has nothing to do with the issue, as they are only related to animation and do not affect the physics at all.
I figured out the problem. I was trying to modify the StepOffset setting while in play mode and for some reason, any modification to this particular setting is not taken into account while in play mode. When I modify the value in edit mode and then launch the game, it works fine.
If you could report a bug on this using the bug reporter with a repro case attached, it would be much appreciated. If you write the case nr. I can take a look.
For future reference: You can’t just submit a scene file by itself; that doesn’t work. The whole project file is required. However, I reproduced the issue in the Locomotion System project and the bug has been assigned to a developer.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to reproduce this bug.
Yes I understand that the entire project is supposedly required but the size of the data seemed too large for the upload. Since the bug was easily reproduced with the default Locomotion System package, I believed that, in that case, uploading the entire project was not necessarily required.