Modo 3d model glitch in Unity

Recently I’ve created a 3d model using Modo Luxology. In the modelling software the object looks perfect no matter from which side I look… in Unity on the other hand I can notice how the mesh is constructed. Anyone knows what could be the problem? (image attached), Fnx


It could be a normals issue, either via the import settings or from a normal map that has an island UV.

What do you have your import settings set at?

If you select your model in the Project view and look at the Model Tab within the Inspector, are the Normals and Tangents set to Calculate. Have a fiddle with these settings.

Without seeing the model its hard to say, it could also be textures without padding etc. Look at the normals and tangents first.

  • Matt.

Here it is. I’ve already used ‘Calculate’ normals in Unity and this is not an issue. All the normals are computed in Modo and they’re imported in Unity. Below I’m attaching the model mesh from Modo. Any ideas?


I’ve started to paint using the solid colour on my rock and in the result I’ve received this strange effect. I couldn’t paint it all in one solid colour on the erroneous edges. As for UV map - I’m using the one which was originally assigned to the primitive. Any ideas?


Sending you a PM.

It seems that my UV mapping is slightly off the content of my texture. Here are the steps I’ve performed to reproduce the issue:

  1. I’ve created the Tesselation Sphere of Subdivision count of 0
  2. Then I’ve selected Paint and Sculpted the mesh a bit with the Crave tool
  3. With the PaintBrush selected I’ve started to paint over the mesh with the bright colour.

In the result I couldn’t cover the mesh in some areas (really small areas close to the edges), especially on the map outer connections/edges.

Oh and one more thing, It seems that unwraping the UV’s into Atlas solves the issue, but unfortunately this means that I have to paint my rocks once again…

That is probably because the polys you ‘see’ are sub-d and don’t actually match the actual geometry. Have you tried freezing the geometry before painting.

I think you will have to freeze the geometry before bringing into Unity anyway.

If you’re asking if I painted the texture in the Sub-Divide mode then the answer is no. Also freezing the geometry didn’t help much either.

Okay, the problem isn’t with the model, it is the texture. You don’t have enough image around the UV island (enough padding). I see you have a pixel or so, but with mipmaps that isn’t enough in this instance.

If you select you image and go into the preview pane at the bottom of the inspector, there is a slider bar which lets you view the mip maps. As you slide it left you will see it turns all blocky as the image quality reduces.

If you zoom right into your model within Unity I see that those seems disappear, it’s only as you zoom out the seems are noticeable. I guess the seems are the black area around the model showing as the pixels increase in size and overlap the UV set.

A quick fix is to delete the black and ‘Solidify’ the image out to the borders… i have done this and am emailing it back. Fingers crossed this has solved your issue (in this instance).

It’s a big file, check the email in 10 mins or so.

  • Matt.

Yes it helped a bit and yes it seems like the texture issue around the UV-map borders but I guess this is related with the texture UV creating process within the Modo rather than Unity issue. I will have to dig a bit more about Modo, UV mapping and the realtime painting. Fnx a lot

Attaching here as it might help some future guests. The same issue can be found at [1] were the seams are also visible in the model. In my case this was the texture/seams issue. I’ve got rid of the black glitches on my object simply by filling my ‘texture background’ (the empty space outside my model UV islands) with gray colour (previously black) representing the base of my object - the rock.

@fallingbrickwork As for your ‘Solidify’ process, have you processed my texture manually, or are there some utilities that can do it automatically for me? fnx for the input, it helped a lot


  1. Just delete the surrounding space around the image. Luckily in your case it was a solid colour.
  2. Then run the photoshop solidify plugin from Flaming Pear.

It’s included within the free plugins.

  • Matt.

Unfortunately I don’t have photoshop license, but I will try to find GIMP’s equivalent. Fnx