Monetizing for mobile suggestions?

I’m exploring other ways for my products to bring in money, is there a specific package / system built for unity I should consider when implementing ads / subscription based?

  • Is there a default extension for ads that unity supports, or a package you would recommend, how are those compared to third party?
  • Is there anything for subscriptions or would I just roll my own gateway for user accounts?

Subscriptions for mobile are typically done though the marketplaces, and in some cases, like the App Store, you are not really allowed to use anything else. And even when you can, like through some of the android marketplaces, outside options tend to turn off potential customers.

For ads, UnityAds is popular and from what I understand fairly easy to use.


Unity ads and in general Unity analytics (required for ads) last time I checked didn’t comply with GDPR requirements, been a year though so they might have fixed it?

We use iron source and iron source mediation (again owned?! by unity and can still use unity ads through it) which allows manual initialization with user preferences. (Get plugin from iron source site)


To my knowledge we have been compliant with GDPR since it was rolled out. What makes you think we aren’t/weren’t?

There was no way to pass player preferences as allow tracking/ age etc on initialization or change later.

When first ad would be played you would get native consent screen but thats too late and no way to change given preferences after first time pop up from inside the app, according to our lawyer consultant that was a no go.

Apart from legal perspective, inability to assign/ change consents directly would require use of multiple consent pop ups to cover other third party services we use.

If I remember correctly there is a forum post on the matter discussing the issues with it more thoroughly.


Unity has a history of aiming for the bare minimum required (and not always hitting the mark) when it comes to privacy, so I wouldn’t trust that they have their ads stuff done right.

For example, when looking for more info about GDPR consent here, you are then linked to this webpage here that really says everything about Unity and GDPR:

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I’m no expert in our Ads SDK, but I asked the team, who pointed me at this page. You can see a code snippet of how to do this:

// If the user opts in to targeted advertising:
MetaData gdprMetaData = new MetaData("gdpr");
gdprMetaData.Set("consent", "true");

// If the user opts out of targeted advertising:
MetaData gdprMetaData = new MetaData("gdpr");
gdprMetaData.Set("consent", "false");

However, the MetaData type and the Advertisement.SetMetaData() methods are missing from the API reference page, so I can easily see someone concluding that there’s no way to do it. I’ve flagged it with the team and they’ll get the API reference fixed.