Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'Windows, Version=

getting this error when I build for Windows Store, how do I figure out what’s causing it?

Unity: 5.3.1f1
Windows: 10 pro 64-bit version 1511 (OS Build 10586.36)
Visual Studio: Community 2015 Version 14.0.24720.00 Update 1

Build settings
Platform: Windows Store
SDK: Universal 10
Scripting Backend: IL2CPP
Strip Engine Code: off

Fatal error in Mono CIL Linker
Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: ‘Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’
at Mono.Linker.LinkContext.Resolve(IMetadataScope scope)
at Mono.Linker.Steps.LoadReferencesStep.ProcessReferences(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
at Mono.Linker.Steps.LoadReferencesStep.ProcessReferences(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
at Mono.Linker.Steps.BaseStep.Process(LinkContext context)
at Mono.Linker.Pipeline.Process(LinkContext context)
at Mono.Linker.Driver.RunDriver(Driver driver)

UnityEditorInternal.Runner:RunManagedProgram(String, String, String, CompilerOutputParserBase) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/Il2Cpp/IL2CPPUtils.cs:94)
UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyStripper:RunAssemblyLinker(IEnumerable1, String&, String&, String, String) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/AssemblyStripper.cs:107) UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyStripper:StripAssembliesTo(String[ ], String[ ], String, String, String&, String&, String, IIl2CppPlatformProvider, IEnumerable1, Boolean) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/AssemblyStripper.cs:100)
UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyStripper:RunAssemblyStripper(String, IEnumerable, String, String[ ], String[ ], String, IIl2CppPlatformProvider, RuntimeClassRegistry, Boolean) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/AssemblyStripper.cs:201)
UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyStripper:StripAssemblies(String, IIl2CppPlatformProvider, RuntimeClassRegistry, Boolean) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/AssemblyStripper.cs:131)
UnityEditorInternal.IL2CPPBuilder:Run() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/Il2Cpp/IL2CPPUtils.cs:201)
UnityEditorInternal.IL2CPPUtils:RunIl2Cpp(String, String, IIl2CppPlatformProvider, Action`1, RuntimeClassRegistry, Boolean) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/Il2Cpp/IL2CPPUtils.cs:128)
PostProcessUAPIl2Cpp:RunIL2CPP() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/MetroPlayer/Extensions/Managed/PostProcessUAPIl2Cpp.cs:92)
PostProcessWinRT:Process() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/PlatformDependent/WinRT/SharedSources/CSharp/PostProcessWinRT.cs:131)

Because you’re building to il2cpp, you’re not allow to use assemblies which are compiled against .NET Core or .NET 4.x.

In future Unity versions, it should explicitly say what assembly references Windows.winmd, but currently you have to check plugin settings for assemblies, and set Scripting Backend == .NET for those which are compiled against .NET Core.

changed the ScriptingBackend to “Dot Net” for the following none editor DLLs - now I get errors to do with names not existing - I guess because the DLL is not being included in the build at all, so I need a version of each of theses DLLs which are not “compiled against .NET Core or .NET 4.x.”?


That is correct. By just changing scripting backend for plugins you simply excluded them from il2cpp build entirely.
You should probably go with .NET scripting backend for your project.
Other alternative is, if your placeholder plugins for editor are fully implemented, mark those as WSA/il2cpp compatible.

I have the exact same problem!

Is this already available?

You can use ILSpy software to drop your DLLs into it and see what other assemblies they reference.