Mono.Data.Sqlite connection problem

Hello everyone! Please help. There is a game, I made a build.

I launch the server locally, then the client.

At this moment the client requests data from the server.

The response comes with an error:

> Disconnecting connection: connection(390218401) because handling a message of type Mirror.CommandMessage caused an Exception. This can happen if the other side accidentally (or an attacker intentionally) sent invalid data. Reason: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Mono.Data.Sqlite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756' or one of its dependencies.
> File name: 'Mono.Data.Sqlite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756'
>   at GameManager.InvokeUserCode_CmdGetBlock__GameObject (Mirror.NetworkBehaviour obj, Mirror.NetworkReader reader, Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection) [0x00022] in <3fad3b81ce72424b9b0ad69531839511>:0 
>   at Mirror.RemoteCalls.RemoteProcedureCalls.Invoke (System.UInt16 functionHash, Mirror.RemoteCalls.RemoteCallType remoteCallType, Mirror.NetworkReader reader, Mirror.NetworkBehaviour component, Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection) [0x00019] in <82cfca52a5bd4ffebc05592b1a8164cc>:0 
>   at Mirror.NetworkIdentity.HandleRemoteCall (System.Byte componentIndex, System.UInt16 functionHash, Mirror.RemoteCalls.RemoteCallType remoteCallType, Mirror.NetworkReader reader, Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection) [0x00065] in <82cfca52a5bd4ffebc05592b1a8164cc>:0 
>   at Mirror.NetworkServer.OnCommandMessage (Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient conn, Mirror.CommandMessage msg, System.Int32 channelId) [0x001a0] in <82cfca52a5bd4ffebc05592b1a8164cc>:0 
>   at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.Action`3[Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient,Mirror.CommandMessage,System.Int32].invoke_void_T1_T2_T3(Mirror.NetworkConnectionToClient,Mirror.CommandMessage,int)
>   at Mirror.NetworkMessages+<>c__DisplayClass8_0`2[T,C].<WrapHandler>b__0 (Mirror.NetworkConnection conn, Mirror.NetworkReader reader, System.Int32 channelId) [0x000ac] in <82cfca52a5bd4ffebc05592b1a8164cc>:0

I checked the existency of all the necessary files and libraries, dll’s etc. as well as the paths. Everything is in place. And all the paths are correct.

All libraries are located in the plugins folder and the database itself is on the local drive D

Go back to the tutorials for integrating that database. Databases like this are rarely used in Unity and are often a source of difficulties.

The only SQL I’ve ever successfully integrated is this one:

This SQLite package works on Android, iOS, MacOSX and Windows:

Read these SQLite considerations carefully:

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Thank you very much! I’ll definitely try to integrate this into my project)

Many thanks to you and the person who created this! You saved my project! :tada: