Mono-Develop won’t work. Whenever I try to edit a script it says: “MonoDevelop-Unity failed to start. Some of the assemblies required to run MonoDevelop-Unity (for example GTK#) may not be properly installed in the GAC. Please click OK to open the download page, where you can download the necessary dependencies for MonoDevelop-Unity to run.” What does that mean? What do I do? I try going to the download page and I have no idea what to download.
I would suggest deleting anything that looks like monoDevelop from your system. Then go download the Unity installer. It should (I think) on the page with several check marks have a separate check for MonoDevelop MAKE SURE YOU CLICK IT! If that doesn’t work you could just try re-installing unity (if you don’t wanna go searching for all the things it didn’t download the first time)