The new MonoDevelop 4 is very sluggish on my computer (Windows). I’m having all sorts of weird little problems. Expand/Collapse is very slow. Sometimes I have to click on the + twice to get a block of code to expand after a long wait. When I save, the file jumps to the beginning and I have to hunt down what I changed. Sometimes when I save, my expand/collapse nodes get all messed up.
Is anyone else having this problem with the new version? Does anyone know if the old version of Mono will work with Unity 4.3?
I’m seeing some strange artefacts when expanding/collapsing code, like collapse a function and it leaves a closing parenthesis behind, which then vanishes. Fast desktop PC here, so I can imagine it might be more noticeable on i.e. laptops.
The cursor jumping to the beginning is because you’ve got a duplicate of your source file open - close the dupe and it’ll go back to normal.
Unfortunately every time you double-click on a source file to open MonoDevelop, it will open the project as it was when you closed it, plus an additional clone of the source file again - can’t believe this wasn’t caught.
It’s horrible on Windows7 too. Auto-complete can take up to 1-2 seconds during which the app freezes and you can’t type. Double clicking scripts in unity editor more than once causes tabs to become unusable as I can’t click to change or close. Finally code blocks are very buggy with indent and font sizes changing all over the place, then not drawing properly. Did they even test this stuff?
I found a small workaround for the folding issue. If you use the shortcut commands, there is no lag. I think this is because that annoying bitmap overlay isn’t created when you need to expand a node.
The default shortcuts were difficult to use, so I remapped them with F1 (one node) and F2 (all nodes).
And just found another issue, monodevelop locked up on me and I couldn’t even alt-tab to another apps. I had to end-task to get access to other apps. This is almost completely unusable for me. I’ve reported the bugs to unity but until they fix I’m not sure what else can be done.
On the flip side, I’m loving the improvements to mecanim. I’ve been waiting for some of that stuff for a long time.
Using Unity 4.3 with MonoDevelop 4.01 on Mac Mountain Lion - I’m unable to debug my Unity project. I can attach to the Editor process and run the project, however, if I run the project with a break point set, Unity locks and I have to ‘Force Quit’ it.
I’m finding that none of the Unity code completion works. Anyone else having that issue? I’ve tried syncing the project in Unity, but it’s not helping.
I just tried to copy/paste from my GTK-Git gui, that wouldn’t work. So I then tried to paste from notepad and it still wouldn’t show up in monodevelop. I then tried basic text from Firefox/etc, nothing will paste. The only thing that works for me is text inside monodevleop itself.
Can anyone else confirm this?
Update: I did some digging if you have ever used Xamarin monodevelop it installs GTKSharp and doesn’t clean up after itself when uninstalled. Unity’s version was incorrectly using the Program Files(x86)\GTKSharp libraries instead of the local ones in Unity\Monodevelop\lib\gtksharp-2.0 . After removing the other copy in program files I can now paste.
The code formatting doesn’t work at all if you use a custom policy. It seems that only the built-in policies will work.
I copied the old Monodevelop from Unity 4.2 into my new Unity directory and it works fine. So that’s what I’m going with until they fixed the new one. Actually it’s not fine. The old version is a buggy piece of junk, but at least I know its limitations and can deal with them, unlike this new one.
I completely agree.
The new version of monodevelop is terrible. The formatting is all over the place, all the refactoring (eg. bulk encapsulate) functions have disappeared, there are no icons for save etc… Sometimes Ctrl-S will save and return you to the top of the code or the beginning of a line (but not always)
Is there anyway to go back to the old version (without obviously downgrading unity)
The debugger 99% of the time wont show enums (This is a killer)
The debugger still doesnt show the contents of generic containers
Code formatting just appears to be random.
Code completion often seems to be actively hindering me from typing code.
Random text corruption in the display of files
Random crashes
I second that. Had to turn it off, as non-smart was smarter than the “smart” indentation.
More woes:
Some keys are broken, eg. CMD-A will not select all, as it’s supposed to, but minimize the application. Had to workaround that by binding CMD-CTRL-SHIFT-ALT-A to “select all” and use Butler (Tool) to trigger that shortcut whenever I use CMD-A
No more Fullscreen. Overall there is a lot of wasted space. The previous Version (shipped with Unity 4.2) looked more clean.
Broken GTK-Theme support and not even the the possibility to change the theme via settings.
My theme was thrown away and set back to the default. Bright unusable trash, which is amplified by my preffered oblivion text highlighting.
For now I grabbed this theme
and chucked everything inside
Program Files (x86)\Unity\MonoDevelop\share\themes\MS-Windows
Back up original just in case.
Tabs are still bright, but menu is better.
The Solution pad is still bright so I just put Help pad there in its place since it is dark and puts main window closer to center
If I find a fully supported theme I will come back, if anyone knows a dark theme that works better let me know!
Found this for changing some settings
I am using windows and cannot find the file he is editing.
Where is this located in windows install?
Gah, finally stopped playing around with themes and started typing.
Put the old MD back. Thank you for bringing my development to a standstill. I really appreciate it!
The old MD was working just fine.
Put it back.