Monodevelop crashes on startup (4.1.2)

EDIT: Solved apparently… See third post!

I decided I should make a separate thread than the other one about Monodevelop because this is apparently an entirely different issue. I’ve been using 4.1.2 for months and suddenly for seemingly no reason, Monodevelop stops responding before it can finish opening. It always freezes right here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I haven’t updated recently or changed anything that I shouldn’t have (as far as I know). I tried restarting Unity, restarting my computer, completely reinstalling Unity, but no luck. Any idea what could’ve caused this? I’ve read about some dependencies on other things like .NET framework, could something have gone wrong with that?

No one can help? Sorry if I sound impatient but this is obviously a pretty big deal for me… :expressionless:

I apparently resolved the issue after finding this through days of Google searching:

What I had to do was create a new Unity project, create a new script, open MonoDevelop through that, and THEN follow the solution in the link. I don’t know exactly what causes this – they said it happened to them due to parsing a boolean value stored as a string, but I don’t recall this happening anywhere in my project. All I know is that MonoDevelop works now and I can finally get back to work. :mrgreen: