Monodevelop not showing autocomplete / intellisense in Mac OS 10.6.7

UPDATE Oct 28 2011

So, I have updated Unity to the newest minor version and this problem has returned. The CodeCompletionData folder listed below, while correctly referencing all the UnityEngine and UnityEditor classes for intellisense / autocomplete, I am once again missing all the basic “System” files from native C#.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// .....

private List<Foo> someFoo; // List will not autocomplete and no data is available

// .....

Sys // <- Unity MonoDevelop autocompletes this as "SystemInfo" or "SystemLanguage" but just plain "System" is not available.

And again, if I delete all my old MonoDevelop-Unity preferences (and indeed, reinstall Unity from scratch) and allow them to autopopulate I lose all my intellisense including the UnityEngine and UnityEditor classes.

I suppose I could yet again grab the latest files from my coleague if he’s already successfully updated his Unity install, but that’s no way to solve this issue and is not sustainable.


Has anyone encountered any problems with the autocomplete feature of the MonoDevelop install that comes with Unity 3.3 on Mac 10.6.7? For reference, it’s a version of MonoDevelop 2.4.2.

The autocomplete / intellisense won’t actually show any code hints at all except for local variables/methods and static variables/methods that are in the current Class’s definition.

By comparison, the “real” version of MonoDevelop has perfectly working autocomplete, but it’s not usable by Unity in any real way, so I’m stuck with the broken Unity version.

How can I solve this problem? Working intellisense is very important to me.


After trying kdubb’s solution below, I’ve found that:

  1. MonoDevelop will incorrectly re-generate the pidb files if they don’t exist.
  2. MonoDevelop will incorrectly re-generate the entire MonoDevelop-Unity folder if it doesn’t exist.
  3. Replacing the MonoDevelop-Unity .pidb files with the ones found in MonoDevelop will give me all the Unity-specific class definitions, but it will NOT give me any definitions from System or its subpackages.
  4. Replacing the entire MonoDevelop-Unity directory with the MonoDevelop directory breaks Unity’s MonoDevelop. It fails to open.

I had the same problem but I was able to fix it quiet easily.

First, right click on the “Assembly-CShap” folder in MonoDevelop and select options. Than, in the “Build - General” tab, make sure that target framework is set to a version you have actually installed. For me, it defaulted to a very old version of Mono, which obviously didn’t work!

Shutdown MonoDevelop and delete all of the “.pidb” files in every folder of every project in your affected solution(s). Then delete all the “.pidb” files in the CodeCompletionCache (1). This should get things working again.

(1) CodeCompletionCache location: Mac it is at “~/.config/MonoDevelop-Unity/CodeCompletionData”, Windows it is at “AppData\MonoDevelop-Unity\CodeCompletionData”.

you missing “using UnityEngine;” at the beginning of the script.

Move one folder up so it’s in the same folder as At least on unity 4.3.1 that’s it.

Quit the unity as well as Quit the Monodevelope and then start it again it will work …if still it is not working check 69434-screen-shot-2016-05-05-at-34934-pm.png

in Preferences

I fixed my Mono installing the .NET Framweork 4.5.2 manually

Im having the the same problem also