monodevelop not working properly

my monodevelop didn’t open when i tried to open a script so i installed monodevelop standalone from this link
i edited the settings of unity and set the external script editor the standalone monodevelop when i tried to open it this message showed up

i didn’t want to change anything else in the settings so that the program won’t crash

i am using unity 3.4 and i did’t upgrade to 3.5

i hope someone has the solution for this problem and thank you

I’ve had this problem before. What I’ve come to believe is the standalone MonoDevelop doesn’t work with Unity projects (I dont’ know if that is true or not). If you download the Unity installer, you can choose to just reinstall the Unity version of MonoDevelop and not the latest version of Unity.

I had the same problem of it not opening my scripts, but after reinstalling Unity Mono it worked fine.