MonoDevelop - word wrap?

Does anyone know how to enable word wrap in MonoDevelop by chance?

Good Question!

Hm, I’m looking for this also. A Google search for ‘monodevelop word wrap’ returns…this thread :slight_smile: Hoping it’s somewhere obvious and I’m just missing it…

Line wrapping is currently not supported in MonoDevelop.

Fortunately MonoDevelop doesn’t mind if you throw in random line returns in the middle of a line to break it up. Self-word-wrap!

that’s not really a solution :confused: when u resize the window, it won’t be wrapped correctly and it adds to the line numbers.

Almost a full 3 years later and I need this too. And here I am, looking at this thread! What in the heck…

MonoDevelop is for writing code. Where you break a line of code should be up to you, not the editor. Many programming languages are very picky about where a line ends, or is split into two. (C# and JavaScript are pretty forgiving languages, but Boo and others depend on accurate indentation.)

If you’re writing paragraphs of text, then I suggest you use a text editing tool, made for text editing. Unity3D will work just fine if you edit your files with other applications.

Not sure why Unity opened this text file with MD instead of system default, but it did… And well, Sublime Text “is for writing code” and yet it has this utterly trivial use-case covered for the rare occurence of opening a non-code text file without breaking productivity / “flow”. I was searching for quite a while through all of MDs menus for one stupid ridiculous reason only: I couldn’t believe this mindbogglingly basic feature wasn’t there :smile: :smile:

So yeah, MD has been aging I guess… I hear there’s a new MD version coming with 4.3, I’m crossing my fingers for that one. Would switch to ST if there was a way to have IntelliSense-like tool-tips with member infos…

Word-wrap doesn’t add to the lines or actually split them in any way. It just makes line LOOK like a long line is continued on in a lower line. If you shrink down your window more any of the lines now cut off by the edge of the window will get wrapped as well. It doesn’t actually edit the code in any way–just doesn’t let things run off the screen where you can’t see them. Notepad++ has this option and I find it super useful. I’m surprised Monodevelop doesn’t have something similar. Any one find any way to do this?

Monodevelop not having word wrap is hilarious. When clicking on a readme, Unity opens it in monodevelop, it’s unreadable and I have to open it with sublime text or notepad or whatever. Has this utterly basic feature been implemented yet?


MonoDevelop sucks on many different levels. If I didn’t have to use it for debugging I would have it uninstalled because it doesn’t deserve even a single byte of my hard drive space. First thing they should do is to make that crap actually work for its initial purpose, write code, and then maybe think about adding more features.

Anyway, word wrap is not just a simple feature no matter how easy to implement that may look like. It took me a couple of months to implement the word wrap feature in Script Inspector 2 actually! And yes, the main purpose of adding that was to allow viewing and editing text files, such as readme files, which are otherwise unreadable without word wrapping.

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I’m on 4.5 and no word wrap so far.



Wait what, the default text editor on Unity doesn’t support word-wrapping? Guess I’m installing Visual Studio…

Waiting for the bug fix, too!

this feature is definitely needed

Really, no word wrap? In an editor?!

This (as well as the tons of other missing basic features in Monodevelop) make it pretty hard not to get annoyed by Unity when you are getting into it.

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I hate that Intellisense likes to go crazy and stop working when you make a line too long. I switched to VS and will probably never look back. My friend uses Notepad++ and swears by it…

I’m on a Mac so no chance on using Visual Studio.

I might give a shot on Sublime Text 3 with the Unity3D plugins.

Maybe you guys are talking about something else or maybe this is new in Unity, but I was able to disable word wrap in the options:
In Monodevelop, Tools → Options → Text Editor → C# → General → (Right pane under Settings section) Word wrap.