Why use MD over Unitron?
I’m a long standing Unitron user, and didn’t touch (but peeked at) MD until the late 3.0b’s.
MD is still, IMHO, a mixed bag from someone who is happy using a good text editor like Unitron.
First off, for C#, it’s a much stronger platform. Many of the advantages of working in MD are lost on Unity.js.
You can open all your scripts from within MD. MD keeps track of all of your scripts in your U3D project. You don’t need to swap back and forth to Unity just to open a script.
MD has code folding*.
However - code folding is broken on Unity.js. Support is aware of it, but it’s not yet fixed.
MD has region folding*. Put in tags/markers in your code and you can fold entire sub-regions.
However - region folding does not and will not work with Unity.js as the language does not support these tags.
MD has selection, script and project wide refactoring. (Refactoring, in a nutshell, is changing the name of a function and having these changes propagate through all the scripts in a project without falling prey to generic search replace all. This may include changing the name of other items such as variables, etc., but I’ve not tried it so can’t be sure.)
I have yet to figure out how to do this, even tho’ I’ve wanted to do it.
MD has auto-completion.
This seems like a smarter version than the one in Unitron that I just turned off in disgust. I’m getting used to it, and it’s even kindov helpful every now and then.
MD allows windows to be split*.
This means you can view two parts of your script at the same time.
*You cannot, however see two scripts at the same time.
The MD pipeline assumes you are writing in C#.
Code folding is broken for Unity.js.
Region folding is unavailable for Unity.js
Unity.js seems like it’s the younger sister that the IDE has been forced to bring along under protest.
You cannot view two documents, scripts, side by side.
The tabbing interface does not allow detaching or window splitting in a way that you can view two docs at once.
Support is aware of this and they want to fix it, but the sense is that this is def. not on the high priority list.
To view two scripts at once, on occasion I’ve had both MD and Unitron open…
The debugger is awkward.
You need to let MD launch Unity, which needs to be closed (afaict) so MD can take control of Unity and use it to run and debug the project.
Any other things of note?